Solve Missed Deadlines

Tired of projects perpetually stuck in development mazes?
Stressed about deadlines?
Replace stress with success.

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Hear it from leaders

Our clients have been where you are — stressed by time inefficiencies and operational bottlenecks.

" In his role as a technical advisor and a fractional CTO, Leo has contributed greatly to the technical architecture, the recruitment of technical talent, and the overall efficiency of the tech team. He is also a great bridge between the technical and business teams, ensuring that everyone is aligned and working towards the same objectives. "

Fonny Bunjamin profile
Fonny Bunjamin
Founder at VESTIS LABS
PURE Benefits

What do you get?

Time inefficiencies are the silent killers of tech projects. Every delayed project is revenue lost, every wasted hour a missed opportunity, here's how we make every second count for you.

Accurate Planning

Imagine a world where, thanks to our diagnostics, you know when projects will be completed and how much your team can produce, allowing you to plan accurately.

Smooth Execution

Imagine a world where bottlenecks are identified and eliminated. Our solutions adapt to your needs, ensuring that projects move from the drawing board to the market, smoothly.

Stress Free Organization

Imagine a world where your team has better control of their delivery systems. Our solutions will create a better work environment for your teams, reducing turnover by keeping your team engaged and focused, and accelerating collective performance.

Improved Leadership

Imagine a world where you make timely decisions that not only solve immediate issues but prepare for future successes. Our coaching equips you to adapt and lead, even when the clock is ticking.

Unlock Your Tech Potential with P.U.R.E.

Let's get to work

Time waits for no leader. Take the first step to get back control of your tech cycles.

The P.U.R.E. Path: A Four-Phase Transformation Journey

What is our solution?

Time slips away. Here's how you reclaim it.
Our four-phase approach is engineered to identify and tackle the bottlenecks inside your tech organization. From initial diagnostics to evidence of progress, your tech team evolves efficiently and effectively.

Phase One: Diagnostics

The first step is a deep dive into your organization. We will spend time with you and your team, all the way down to the engineers that write your code. Contrary to other consulting firm, We want to truly understand how your function today.

Phase Two: Roadmap

With the results of our diagnostic, we craft a personalized Roadmap. You get a grade based on the results of our diagnostics. With our expertise in emerging behavior, you get specific actions to improve the work environment.

Phase Three: Coaching

We help you implement the Roadmap. You are not alone. We will check on you periodically to ensure you are on track. We are here to answer your questions and coach your entire team: you and your leaders.

Phase Four: Progress Diagnostics

In this step, we redo phase one, spend time with your organization. That way you can see clear improvement between before and after.

Success Stories

" Leo massively overdelivered on technical details - bringing things to my attention that I had not yet considered, diving into details and presenting different options/perspectives that will in turn be super helpful. "

Elsa Valentine profile
Elsa Valentine
Founder at Innate

" Leo came out with fresh ideas on how to solve some existing problems with little effort. "

Marten Jaago profile
Marten Jaago
Founder at KOOS
Elevate Your Team's Efficiency with P.U.R.E.

Let's start

"The best time to plant a tree was 20 years ago. The second best time is now."

What others say

" Leo helps guide to the bigger picture. "

Okem Molokwu profile
Okem Molokwu
Founder at Myshupper

" Leo really helped me by defining next steps in product development, and giving advice on community building. "

Elisha Weeber profile
Elisha Weeber
Founder at WASTED
Glean Insights, Take Action

Let's deep dive in your organization

With our blogs, you read about what you can do. Let's us guide you.